The GEO Edge

Our Mission

The GEO Advisory was established out of a passion to explore a wide spectrum of global energy opportunities with complete independence and flexibility and to produce truly customised research and service that determine the direction of our clients' investment decisions. 

What We Offer

The GEO Advisory offers corporations, investors and government agencies highly customised, independent energy analysis that synthesises industry fundamentals across the world, facilitating our clients' investment decisions. Our service is based on the depth and breadth of industry knowledge and a global network of connections developed over 20 years of research experience at international investment banks and private investment advisory. 


Consultancy to corporations in the energy industry on investment opportunities worldwide.

Bespoke research

Customised, independent global and regional energy research for the investment community.

Tailored access

Customised corporate access worldwide, including management meetings and field trips. 

Private equity services

Identifying and analysing investment targets as well as financing sources for private equity opportunities.

Our Differentiation

We will ensure that our clients are at the cutting edge of industry opportunities and armed with data that alerts to risks by constantly connecting with the multitude of industry contacts available to us worldwide.

Complete independence and alignment of interests

Highly customised service and full dedication

Flexibility in adapting to clients' preferences

Depth and breadth of industry knowledge

Global network of industry and investor connections

Get in touch to discuss how we can provide a critical edge
to your business